Catholic Education Honor Roll

The Catholic Education Honor Roll (CEHR) helps schools strengthen their Catholic identity by evaluating internal policies and practices and recognizing schools committed to the Principles of Catholic Identity in Education.

The Honor Roll criteria conform (since 2017) to the Principles of Catholic Identity in Education, which The Cardinal Newman Society has derived from Church teaching and guidance on elementary and secondary education. They are: Inspired by Divine MissionModels Christian Communion; Encounters Christ in Prayer, Scripture, and Sacrament; Integrally Forms the Human Person; and Imparts a Christian Understanding of the World.
What does it mean for OLMC to be on the Catholic Education Honor Roll? OLMC has a nationally recognized status which enables us to tell not just our local populations but also high schools, universities, and a broad national audience that we excel as an outstanding Catholic school.

OLMC receives a certificate of recognition good for five years, and
posts the Honor Roll certificate and Principles of Catholic Identity in Education poster for all to see.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel School is honored to be recognized, and pledges to continue to provide the Catholic education of a Catholic Education Honor Roll School!

Find out more about the
Catholic Education Honor Roll here and review OLMC’s application here.